Unity Engine Review


Unity is a very user- friendly game engine where it is great for people who are just starting out as a game developer. The engine is very easy to use and has a lot of great features that are good to use for creating games. This engine is free to users which is the biggest reason why most people use the engine as well. First they have a lot of ready to use assets that you can import into your project that you can use in the creation of your game. Next they have a huge range of supported platforms from the web to mobile to consoles as well. Unity is also one of the biggest communities which means you can receive plenty of help if you are just starting out as a first time user. Lastly, the engine gets better every release and has more to offer each update.

This image is of the unity logo and comes from https://unity.com/


Unity is a game engine that is very commonly used by early game developers that are just getting into game development. Unity has been around since 2005 and was released by unity technologies. This engine uses the coding language of C# to form scripts to put on any objects in the scene. The engine is free to use unless you choose another plan to use. In this engine you are able to make any 2D or 3D project of your choice and be as creative as you are able to be. Notable games made by unity include Hollow Knight, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout and the world famous Pokemon Go. These are just some of the notable games that were made and as you can see this engine has made pretty great games.

This image is the cover of the game Fall guys and comes from https://www.fallguys.com/en-US/news/fall-guys-is-going-free-on-june-21-launching-on-playstation-nintendo-switch-xbox-and-the-epic-games-store


There are some issues with the unity engine that have caused some people to not choose the engine or not stay with the engine. The first problem includes that the performance of unity is very intensive. This means that people who have older devices may not be able to run the project smoothly on launch. The second issue with the engine is that it is a bulky system that takes up a lot of space when downloading the content. This has caused problems for old apple users where they were restricted to so much space. The third and last problem is that the asset store is very limited. When it comes to 3D assets unity lacks in supply when it comes to this. 


The biggest pluses of this engine is that it is still a free engine to use and that a first time user can go on to use the engine and create something of their choice. Something that unity can work on which I have seen them working on is having more 3D assets added they can just import some in the engine. Also they could also try to downsize the content that needs to be downloaded so it does not take up that much space. Another plus of the engine is that it is very simple to understand once you use it a couple times and know what you are looking at. Lastly this engine can be used to create a game for any platform. 


Like I have stated before, unity engine is one of the best to use when starting out as a first time game developer. This engine may have some downsides to it like the lack of 3D assets but has user friendly easy to learn features with many tutorials and help from all across the world to help with your project. This engine has a big community and is growing everyday by the second. Unity is getting better each release and hopefully in the future it will be the best free gaming engine to use with the limitations that are there now not there anymore. 

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